Tuesday, January 28

réflexion imperfection.

Tuesday, January 14

Je Renais

I had a dream in which I was the girl 
you lucidly imagined in your childhood,
My hair whipped about me, pacing the feathered wheat and wildflowers
of an infinite meadow.
I was not whole, only a sketch of myself,
and reaching unknowing for your hand,
a hand unstenciled, whole, complete,
I could not verge far enough,
and so I began to shred,
dissipate as if ashes,
into tiny sketched drifting seeds, utterly vanishing
into an eternal wind.

I am reborn.

Wednesday, January 8

been busy working on many different photo pursuits, 
books, exhibits, publications,
lots of things to come shortly.
In the meantime, some memories: