Tuesday, January 27


 My sister owns a farm in the far north east
which I visited most recently,
oddly it was warm and misty despite being the middle of winter.
I read omens that this season would be mild and hushed,
but few have believed it beside myself.

That place was full of light, but it was hidden like pearls,
eclipsed in short days and oncoming nights.

Friday, January 16

Travels Chapter 9: Noir & Blanc

Je rêve de ce lieu.
Dans tout cela de chagrin et de tristesse, ce est encore un havre de lumière et de beauté.

(All black and white film, the first six from Bretagne,
the last from scattered corners throughout France)

Sunday, January 11

Travels Chapter 8: Fading Pages

Seldom a place exists filled both with faraway lands
and familiar nooks, escapism aside homely comfort,
but a bookshop is one of them.
I've collected them since I was a child.
This rather lovely one left me dreaming there since.
 Found in the Grassmarket district of Edinburgh, Scotland.

Tuesday, January 6

Recollection & Unfolding

 Thus a New Year begins and another fades,
the last was trepidous and beautiful,
the next is certain to be all the more lovely.

Looking back at the collection film photographs I've taken over years,
I am reminded amidst all changes that my rapture for
analog photography has only become more fervant.
It has taken me across the world and back time and again,
immortalizing all sorts of untidy souls, and bits of life,
and now eyes turn forward
 to what it might wield in the future.
Onwards into the great unknown, and another year of expression.